Email signature examples student
Email signature examples student

email signature examples student

email signature examples student

Logos and other graphics, as they increase file size and load times, and can appear as attachments in some email clients.The use of plain text links to Drexel University social media channelsĮlements that are not approved for use in email signatures.These fonts include 10-point Arial and Times New Roman The use of common fonts and font sizes that display correctly.Elements that are approved for use in email signatures Please contact University Communications with any questions.

email signature examples student

Often, most requests to add additional language or links to email signatures are better addressed through marketing solutions, rather than changes to identity guidelines.

  • Links to your website and institutional social media channelsīy including excess information, an email signature can appear bulky and long, which will deter a majority of people from looking at it, let alone reading it or clicking links.
  • #Email signature examples student professional#

    In order to present a consistent and professional University-wide email identity, the Office of University Communications has established a policy to ensure that email signatures display properly - and without unnecessary and problematic adornment - on desktop and mobile devices.Įmail signatures should provide consistently branded information that is helpful in conveying crucial information, including: As a general best practice, it is prudent to view your email signature as official Drexel University digital letterhead.

    Email signature examples student